Jon Mattson

Jon Mattson
Eagle Ceremony

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Prose Edda Prologue

Reading this I thought that it was interesting the identical events that croesponded between this and Christianity, one being Adam and Eve, the other being Noah's flood. But it takes a completly new path, in mapping out where Thor and Odin come from. I also liked the fact that it mentions Troy and, after a little change in spelling through the years, Mennon, or that one guy from the Illiad. I found it very interesting that it claims that Odin came from Asia, and "settled" Germany, France, Denmark and met a king of Sweden. I thought that this was an interesting idea, that the northern countries of europe and central europe, they originally had indiginous peoples, but that they were settled by Asians. I got a chuckle out of reading that they thought that Turkey was the "center of the world"

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