It is similar to the previous sagas in that this one, encorperates the Althing and revenge. However I think that what sperates this saga from the rest of them is that this saga seems legitimate, in terms of untampered with by the scribes hundreds of years later. I got this sense from several places, one being the hoarse, Freyfaxi. This stallion was highly valued by Hrafnkel. Perhaps a little too much, but in that day and age, and shown in the later part of the saga, horses were the way to get around, is you didn't want to walk. horses did manuel labor on farms, as well as helped travel large distances quickly. So I think that Hrafnkel loved his stallion, the essence of how valued they were in their culture is there.
Then another point is when Sam and his companions were going into Thorkel's tent to ask for help. They followed Thorkels instrutions to grab Thorgeir's foot. First of all this is a little weird, and I got a little confused on why they would do this. The guy is very much in pain from his foot, then from the boil that just recently burst, and then he has someone grab it. This guy is a very unlucky guy who is in pain. But I think that his recation was legitimate. He was in alot of pain, he got very little sleep, and very confused, again showing that this saga is atleast legitamate it coinsides with what we would have expected, instead of being in a duel, having a leg chopped of and putting the stump on a cut down tree for suport, that would be very painful indeed.
Jon Mattson
Eagle Ceremony
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